After downloading complete , it will exit automatically. The maximum phone book
records number from SIM card reader is 255.
4.2 wireless phone book downloading from Mobile phone or mobile phone
SIM card :
please refer to the phone book settings in the settings chapter.
this function will be subjected to the BT mobile phone which can support
AT command ( Typical Brand : Sony Ericsson , Motorola,Nokia S40 3
4.3 Send the phone books from the BT mobile phone to car kit by OPP profile
( Object Push Profile)
: some BT mobile phones each time can only support one
phone book record sending (Typical Brand: Nokia, Motorola), some BT mobile phones
support whole phone book records sending by one time ( Typical Brand: Sony
Ericsson , Samsung)
During the BT disconnected mode:
Entering the phone book contacts menu in your BT mobile phone, from the options,
you can select “send “ then “by Bluetooth”, the mobile phone will prompt the paired BT
device list ,please select “
”, the BT mobile will start to send the record. If
you select send “All contacts ” , BT mobile will send the whole records , when car kit
receives the records , the screen will be like below:
After the records sending ended , screen will exit automatically. The phone book
records will be saved under the current member user.
: when there is an incoming call , LCD screen will be like below :