Water. Quality. Secured
LCD Display
The LCD display in the HydroGuard control panel displays current water conditions in
two rows of data. The top data row displays the water temperature and the ORP
reading. The bottom row shows the Turbidity reading. When an alarm is issued, the
bottom row toggles between the turbidity displays the alarm.
Menus and Settings
HydroGuard has two menu levels: Operator and Technician. The Operator menu
includes settings that may be controlled by on-site operators. The Technician menu
includes settings and calibrations that should be restricted to specially trained
HydroGuard maintenance technicians. Each menu has a separate password. The
technician level password may be used whenever a password is required, however
the operator password will only be accepted in the operator menu.
The default Operator Password is: 123 and the default Technician Password is: 456.
Do not forget your password! There is no way to reset the technician password
without a complete reprogramming of the HydroGuard System.