ISSUE DATE: SEPTEMBER 24, 2020 REV.1.0 (PART # 038-1146EO)
The steering arm and control handle
provide controls for steering, forward
and reverse speed control, braking,
raising and lowering the forks, and
horn. Control handles on all models
have a “belly-button” reversing switch
which reverses the direction of the
truck upon contact with the operator.
Control Handle - Top
On the
pushing the red
discon-nect plunger removes all
power from the truck circuits in the
event of an emergency.
Control Handle - Back
Display Unit
Display Unit
• The LED display (1) shows the
residual battery capacity, when it’s
lower than 20% it must be charged.
• When the display (2) shows “NO
BMS” the communication with the
battery is disconnected and when it
“BMS EER” the battery temperature
or voltage is unbalanced.
• When display (3) is solid On the
interlock switch is open. when flash-
ing the interlock switch is closed
and the running time will start.
• The display (4) will normally show
the total running time whoever if
there is a fault code on the truck it
will be displayed here.
The display unit has a range between
0 to 99999 hours and it will log hours
when traveling or lifting.
The battery discharge indicator has a
memory function. It will display the
state of charge (SOC) stored in
mem-ory, until a full charge cycle has
been completed, and the battery SOC
reset threshold is exceeded
Low Voltage Protection
When the battery power is low the
Low Voltage Protection will prevent
the forks from being raised and you
must charge battery.