Persons under 18 years of age are not permitted to
purchase or use the blu electronic cigarette.
Non-smokers; children; pregnant women; women
who may become pregnant; women who are
breastfeeding; persons with or at risk of heart disease,
hypertension, high blood pressure, or diabetes; or
taking medicine for depression or asthma should not
use this product.
Nicotine is addictive and is known to cause sudden
and severe increases in heart rate and blood pressure,
which may be dangerous to your health.
The blu is intended for current smokers over the age of
18 who wish to use blu as an alternative to traditional
cigarettes without the ash and smell associated with
traditional cigarettes.
You should consult your physician before using the
blu electronic cigarette because it may or may not
contain nicotine.
If you are smoking tobacco products, you are
encouraged to stop.