Answer a Call
When there is an incoming call, you can:
Drag the icon
toward right to answer the call.
Drag the icon
toward left to decline the call.
Drag the icon
upward to reject the call with SMS.
Emergency Service
You can call emergency service number directly without SIM card.
Different networks use different emergency numbers, please query
your network operator.
Input Method
Your phone has the built-in input method. In edit mode, long press
to show
Input options
and set input languages and Android
keyboard settings.
Input English
Press the on-screen keypad to enter corresponding letters.
Input Number
P ess
, ou a i put u
e s di e tl p ess the u
icons. Long press the letter icons with number, or after long press,
slide finger to the numbers to input.
Input Symbol
P ess
to e te s
ol list. P ess the desi ed s
ol to i put.
Lo g p ess
to sho s
ol list, slide fi ge to the desi ed
symbol to input.