9. Never use the grinder if the clearances listed in #8 above are not correctly adjusted to these
tolerances. Never adjust the guards without first checking to see that the power switch is in the
off position and the lock is removed. Adjust the guards by first loosening the nuts holding the
guards in place. Next slide the guard toward the stone to within the proper dimension. If you
are unsure of this distance do not use the grinder. If the correct distance cannot be achieved due
to stone wear do not use the grinder until the stone has been replaced. After you have
confirmed that the tongue guards are properly adjusted you may continue.
10. Always be sure that you have proper eye protection. A pair of safety glasses or a safety shield
with the safety rating of Z87 must be worn at all times while grinding. ( ANSI Z87.1-2003 )
11. Always wear gloves and be cautious of sharp edges.
12. Never operate grinder while wearing loose clothing. Always make sure that long hair is
pulled back so that it cannot be caught in grinding wheel.
13. Connect the power cord to a properly grounded 110/120 volt outlet.