Reversing The Doors
We recommend that you reverse doors
before switching on for the first time.
Tools required: Small and medium size
flat and cross-headed screwdrivers, a
pair of pliers.
Spare Parts supplied in the plastic
bag: The following parts, which are
exclusively for left hand side fitted
hinge operation are supplied in a
plastic bag with the appliance:
- Upper door top trim hinge covers –
there are 2 different parts, one for each
side of top trim.
- Upper door middle hinge bushing/
door stopper assembly.
We suggest you keep all the parts
supplied in the plastic bag and also
parts, which have been removed when
reversing doors, in a safe place for
possible future, re-use.
We suggest you ask
somebody to help you when moving
the appliance around and to hold
doors when removing / re-fitting
hinges and doors to avoid any injury
and damage to the product.
Please refer to diagrams supplied. To
follow numbers in brackets below,
refer to the main diagram.
Switch off the appliance at the socket
outlet and pull out the mains plug.
Remove all food, loose items and
fittings from inside the appliance and
door shelves.
Carefully tilt the appliance on its back
side. (1) (You may need somebody to
help you.) Take care not to damage
the appliance by laying on some
protective material (e.g. its original
packaging). Make sure that you
tilt the appliance on its back side,
otherwise compressor oil may block
the pipes and you may damage the
Unscrew and remove the LHS front
feet and bolt (2).
Unscrew the bolts and remove the
bottom hinge while holding the door
Remove the door carefully from the
top hinge by sliding down wards (4).
Reposition top hinge bushing and
blanking plug on the opposite side
and stand the door safely (5). You
may find it easier to remove the
bushing and the plug with the tip of
a small screwdriver. Take care not to
mark the door.
Remove the two screws from the top
front plastic trim (6)
Remove the bushing of the four-star
compartment cover hinge(7); Pull out
the cover (8) and remove pin on the
upper wall (9) Remove the locking
mechanism (10)
Remove the two screws from the
back of the top plate (11) and remove
the top plate (12)
Remove the top hinge and re-position
it on the opposite side (13)