The Bloomberg 19-Inch Flat Panel is currently shipped pre-configured horizontally. The
unit is leased for specific installation of the BLooMBerG ProFeSSIonAL
service. The end user is strictly prohibited from moving Bloomberg-supplied hardware
from one computer to another. only Bloomberg-authorized personnel can move or
reconfigure the unit. The unit can be used only with Bloomberg-authorized hardware,
software, and cables.
On-Screen Display (OSD) Controls
• You can access the oSD menu through the three buttons located on the bottom left
side of each flat panel. Figure 2 displays the layout of the buttons.
Figure 2: Flat Panel buttons
These are multi-function buttons. The use of each button changes depending on the
current state of the flat panel. When the oSD is not on the screen, the button on
the right powers the unit. The left and center buttons bring up the oSD Main Menu when
they are pressed.
Use the center and left buttons to move between items on the menu, and the right button to
select the item that is currently highlighted.
• Brightness – adjust screen brightness
• Contrast – adjust screen contrast
• Position – screen position menu
• Setup – oSD position and launguage control
• exit – close oSD
Note: on energy efficient models, Bloomberg logo will light when video is displayed,
and will be oFF when no video is present.