1. Inside Mount [Reveal Installation] – SEE Fig 1.
i. Measure inside Reveal at “A” [width] and “B” [drop].
It is important that “A” is measured where the Cassette will be installed, as it is the widest
part of the blind. [The Cassette is approximately 30mm wider than the fabric – 20mm (control) &
10mm (idle).
Clearance deduction for the width is 3 – 5mm
ii. Unlike other Roller Blinds, the drop measurement is critical to the correct function of the
blind. The manufacturing process governs that the blind is in the full stripe overlap position at
the specified drop.
We recommend a drop deduction of 5mm – 10mm
2. Outside Mount [Face Installation]
Measuring for outside mount is not so critical UNLESS there are obstructions to take into account.
i. Measure at “C” from Outside of Architrave to Outside of Architrave.
No deductions necessary
[Additional width can be applied to ensure fabric covers architrave. For Fabric to
cover the architrave the width ordered needs to be approx 35mm wider than
measurement “C”.