Feeding the other channels back into the module will change the symmetry of the
waves creating resonance type sounds, or generally unusual wave shapes.
Applying a filter to the VCO before the input and sweeping the filter with a high
resonance will create different sounds on each channel, emphasizing the resonance in
different ways.
Although the front panel has two main inputs and one CV input, more signals can be
mixed together before the inputs to create additional tones. For example, using an
external mixer to combine three VCOs before the input creates more complex and
unpredictable tones.
Also, control voltages may be applied to either the IN I or IN II jacks but because they
t scaled for CV control the output signal may disappear completely when the CV
signal is high. Similarly, audio rate inputs will work on the CV input but at a lower level.
While it wasn
t specifically designed for this purpose in mind, triangle wave LFOs can
be multiplied using the odd harmonics, III, V, and VII. At the right amplitude the LFO
will be 3x the frequency, 5x the frequency and 7x the frequency. Keep in mind that the
individual outputs are at lower levels than the main output, so some amplification may
be needed. The even channels II, IV, and VI are AC coupled and therefore will not work
the same on LFOs. On these inputs, slow LFOs will not do anything.