Blichmann Fermenator Operation, Assembly, Maintenance Download Page 9




© Blichmann Engineering, LLC 2019 

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The Fermenator

 has been designed to fit in a large refrigerator, and about any chest or upright freezer.  If you plan to use it in a freezer 

or refrigerator, the CO2 gas from fermentation should be vented through the door or wall of the refrigerator.  For primary fermentation, 
it is highly recommended that you use a blow-off tube (not included).  Fit the 90 degree barbed elbow (included) into the stopper as 
shown in 

Figure 23 

after primary fermentation.  Run the hose to the exterior of the unit and affix it to an airlock as shown in 

Figure 24


If you have purchased the optional tri-clamp blow-off assembly please refer to the manual included in the kit for proper installation and 


Maximum Fermentables Capacity



7 gal model:



5.5 US gal 


6.0 US gal

14.5 gal model:


11 US gal 


12 US gal

27 gal model:


21 US gal 


21 US gal

42 gal model:


33 US gal 


33 US gal


 Exceeding these capacities can cause the fermentation material (krausen) to clog the pressure relief valve and airlock causing 

a dangerous overpressure of the fermentor.  Approximately 30% excess capacity is required for krausen space for beer and approximately 
20% for wine.


 Do not use loose whole hops, wood chips, grape skins, or other similar material in the fermentor.  Use a hop bag to prevent 

loose material from plugging the pressure relief valve or airlock, which may cause a dangerous overpressure of the fermentor.  In addition, 
these materials will clog the racking tube making draining the finished beer/wine difficult. 

It is highly recommended that you use a blow-off tube for primary fermentation!  The optional tri-clamp blow-off assembly makes this 
very easy.

Bottom Dump Operation

Now you’re about to see the real benefit to a conical fermentor: the ease of trub (cold break) and yeast removal for secondary fermen-
tation or yeast harvesting and quick and sanitary removal of wort samples.  Typically, cold break is removed just after wort chilling, but 
prior to pitching the yeast (allow time for settling to the bottom of the tank).  Remaining trub and flocculated yeast can be removed after 
primary fermentation. 



Summary of Contents for Fermenator

Page 1: ... should specifically be followed to ensure satisfactory results with the product WARNING CAUTION IMPORTANT IMPORTANTINFORMATION PLEASEREADANDTHOROUGHLYUNDERSTANDTHISMANUALPRIORTOUSE FORIMPORTANTSAFETYINFORMATION ABOUT THIS MANUAL This manual is for the F3 7 14 5 and 27 gallon tri clamp models and optional leg extensions casters and blow off assembly If you purchased the optional 42 gallon modular ...

Page 2: ...ler one spare included 2 BE 000627 00 Hose Barb Fitting 1 Tri Clamp x 1 Hose 1 BE 000629 00 Hose Barb Fitting Tri Clamp x Hose 1 FE 357 00 Racking Tube Assembly 90 degree bent stainless tube 1 FE 376 03 Racking Tube Nut 1 FE 382 05 Tool Sanitary Bulkhead small washer with 3 bent tabs 1 BE 000099 00 Lid Hatch oval lid with handle 1 FE 303 03 Pressure Relief Valve 1 BE 000015 00 O Ring Pressure Reli...

Page 3: ...Installthelargeo ringinthegrooveofthetri clampbulkheadandthreaditonthebulkheadnutbyhand Install thesanitarybulkheadtoolontheendofalong3 8 extensionbarandaratchetwrench notincluded Usinganopenendwrench not included turnthetri clampfittingwhileholdingthenutstationarywiththeratchetwrenchuntilthefittingistight Dippingthepartsin sanitizerjustbeforeassemblyhelpslubricatetheo ringjointandmakestighteninge...

Page 4: ...dsealovertheedgeofthelid notonthetank withthesmallbeadonthesealfacingtowardthelipofthetankasin Figure6 Placethelidonthetankandorientthehatchandairlockholestoyourdesiredlocation Besurethelidiscenteredonthetank asmuchaspossible PlacetheV bandclamparoundthelidandtanklipandstarttheT nutontheclampstudasinFigure7 TheV band clampcanbeinstalledwitheithersideupandwiththeclampinanyorientation Notethattheuni...

Page 5: ...donotrotatein shipmentandbecomedamaged Usingtwo7 16 wrenches loosenthenylocknutsothehandlemovesfreely However besure thenutisstillfullyengagedonthebolt The7gallonand14 5gallonmodelscanbemovedwhenfull butbesuretouse2peopleto carrythe14 5gallonmodel WARNING The27gallonmodelistooheavytomovewhenfull DONOTattempttomovethisunitwhenfull Thecarryhandlesare providedtomoveitonlywhenempty OptionalLegExtensio...

Page 6: ...p Placeacasterassemblyovereachlegandholdinplacewithtwo 20X longboltsasshownin Figure17 Donotinstallnutsorwashersatthistime Placethelegbracesontheinsideofthelegoneatatime installingwashersand nutsontheboltsfingertightasshowninFigure18 Notethatthebracesgoontheinsideoftheleg Tightenallofthefastenersatthis time andinverttheFermenator ontothewheels Thewheelsarenon markingtoprotectyourfloors andfeaturea...

Page 7: ...hem Ifyouarenotgoingtoimmediatelyusethe fermentor drythefittingsandsealsthoroughly andstoretheminanewplasticzip lockbag seestoragesection BeforeEachUse Fittings Soakallfittings valves o ringsandlidsealinasanitizingsolutionorboilinwaterfor10minifyouhavenotalreadydonesoafterthelast use seestoragesection Toensurethattheinside oftheasepticissanitized disassemble showninFigure20 andsoakinsanitizer It t...

Page 8: ...otnormal Aftertheprescribedtimehaspassedforyoursanitizertofinishitsjob openbothvalvesanddrainthetank Ifyouhaveusedasanitizer thatmustberinsed openthetankandrinseasrecommended Removethebarbfittingsfromtherackingarmandbottomdumpand replacewiththetri clampcap AlternateSanitizingMethod Analternatemethodtosanitizethetankandlidisbyusingasurfacesanitizer Thisusessignificantlylesssanitizer Theonlysurface ...

Page 9: ...WARNING Exceedingthesecapacitiescancausethefermentationmaterial krausen toclogthepressurereliefvalveandairlockcausing adangerousoverpressureofthefermentor Approximately30 excesscapacityisrequiredforkrausenspaceforbeerandapproximately 20 forwine WARNING Donotuseloosewholehops woodchips grapeskins orothersimilarmaterialinthefermentor Useahopbagtoprevent loosematerialfrompluggingthepressurereliefvalv...

Page 10: ...ybottleofsanitizerafewminutespriortoinstallingthebarbedfitting Allowthetrubtopassfirst andcollectthe creamcoloredyeast Awidemouthedglassjar8 16ozworkswell IfyouhaveCO available purgethejarofoxygenbeforeuse With propersanitizationtechniques yeastcanbestoredfor1 2monthsandharvestedupto4timesinatypicalhomebrewenvironment Sinceyou llhaveplentyofyeasttopitch reactivateinastarterifmorethan2weeksold you ...

Page 11: ...ion Cleanasneeded Failuretodosomaycausestickingandsubsequentmalfunctionofthereliefvalvesystem Failuretofollowthesewarningscouldresultinseriousinjuryordeath ThisfermentorisNOTtobeusedforforcecarbonation Dry hopping Donotuseloosewholeleafhopsfordry hopping Notonlywilltheypossiblyclogthepressurereliefvalve theleaves tendtoclogtherackingarm Ifyouusewholehopsbesuretouseahopbag Pellethopscanbeusedwithor...

Page 12: ...USECLEANINGANDSTORAGE Afteruse rinsewithhotwaterandcompletelydisassemblethefermentorandfittings SoakthefittingsandsealsinhotPBWsolutionor boilasinthesanitizingprocedure Remembertoremovetheblackvinylgripsfromthevalvehandles Scrubthefermentorandlidwith aScotch britegreenscouringpadandordinarydishdetergent oryourfavoritenon chlorinecleansersuchasPBW andrinseanddry thoroughly Itisnotnecessarytoremovet...

Page 13: ...Engineering s limited warranty is valid in any country where the product is distributed ________________________________________ B Limitations of Warranty 1 Any implied warranty that is found to arise by way of state or federal law including any implied warranty of merchantability or any implied warranty of fitness is limited in duration to the terms of this limited warranty and is limited in scop...
