20.Once the lights have been set up as desired, the whole system can turned on and
off by the master power button . When this master power icon is grayed out,
lights will be off.
21. Additional features can be found in the settings tab indicated by the gear icon.
b. The Low Voltage Alarm - If the Blazer Link detects that your battery level is
lower than the set voltage, it will notify you via the alarm.
c. Timing Shutdown - allows you to set time period when you want your lights to
automatically turn off to prevent unnecessary battery draining.
d. You can also rename your device and set a new password.
22. Back on the main screen, select the Battery icon to view readout of your battery
level and voltage standing. Additionally, this is the icon that will turn red and notify
you when your battery level has reached the low voltage level you defined earlier
in the settings tab. It is also possible to pick one of the five audible sounds or
vibrator, which will alert you.
23. Once set up, try to manipulate each light to ensure that the system is working
without issue.
all the
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