1. Attach the fan to the interjoist using the screws.
2. Connect the fan of a required diameter.
3. Connect the LED lamps (included in the delivery set) for the Light models.
Option: connect the humidity sensor or the motion sensor (specially ordered accessory).
For the Light models: connect the power socket of the LED lamp and the respective sockets in the terminal box.
For the H models with a humidity sensor: remove the protective cap from the grille prior to its installation.
Route the contact socket of the sensor H or IR via the opening in the grille and connect the sensor socket to the respective contact
socket on the control unit.
Fix the sensor in the grille opening and cover the opening with a protective cap.
Connection socket
of the humidity sensor
Connection socket
of the motion sensor
Connection socket
of the LED lamp
Connection socket
of the humidity sensor
Connection socket
of the motion sensor
4. Install the decorative grille on the fan casing using the holders on the casing.