The device is a uniaxial design comprising a knee pivot connecting a chassis to a carrier. A weight
activated stabilizing knee mechanism is housed within the chassis. The stabilizing mechanism
has a resilient action which provides limited stance flexion under load to absorb shock loads at
heel strike.
The Stanceflex knee chassis has a pivotally connected top plate which is resiliently supported
by a rubber block, this provides an increased stance flexion action under load to further absorb
shock loads at heel strike.
A knee control cylinder sits within this frame assembly, fitted between the chassis posterior pivot
and the carrier distal pivot.
The SmartIP control cylinder uses a sensors to monitor walking speed and automatically adjusts
flexion resistance accordingly. Extension control is via fixed adjustment of a terminal impact
Visually check the device regularly.
Report any changes in performance of this device to the practitioner/service provider e.g.
unusual noises, increased stiffness, restricted/excessive rotation or significant wear.
Inform the practitioner/service provider of any changes in body weight and/or activity level.
Use a damp cloth and mild soap to clean outside surfaces, do not use aggressive cleansers.
The remaining instructions in this section are for practitioner use only.
This maintenance must be carried out only by competent personnel (practitioner or suitable
trained technician).
To maintain optimum performance, an annual inspection for unacceptable noise, play and
stability is recommended. More frequent inspections may be required depending on factors such
as the activity of the user, frequency of usage and the stability setting of the knee.
Ensure the user has read and understood all safety and user-level maintenance information.
Advise the user that a regular visual check of the device is recommended and any changes in
performance of this device must be reported to the practitioner. Changes in performance may
include: increase or decrease in knee stiffness, instability, reduced knee support (free movement),
any unusual noise.
If this device is used for extreme activity, the maintenance level and interval should be reviewed
and if required advice and technical support sought to plan a new maintenance schedule
dependent upon the frequency and nature of the activity. This should be determined by a local
risk assessment carried out by a suitably qualified individual.