Operating manual 500HSH
4. Initial operation
Before using the machine it is of great importance to inspect the machine.
It is not permitted to use the machine if the machine safety is not according the
checkpoints below.
Checkpoints power supply
Use the hydraulic hoses delivered by Blastrac BV.
Hydraulic hoses must be fully unwind of them winches.
No damage is permitted for hydraulic hoses.
Check if all hydraulic couplings are good connected.
Check if all hydraulic coupling are free of leakage.
Checkpoints of machine
Safety functions and operating functions must work correct.
Check the following parts for damage and wear: blast wheel blades, impeller,
cage, liners and brush sealing.
No loose bolts and nuts permitted
No any damage of hydraulic components permitted.
Dust hose must be undamaged and the connection must be reliable.
Check de parts of the separator on wear and defects. Remove foreign bodies and
dust deposits.