Luminous Symbols
When ‘AUTO’ blinks, this means that the timer is in automatic mode but no setting has yet been
When ‘AUTO’ remains permanently alight, this means that the timer is in automatic mode and already
Automatic cooking
Timer in operation
Plus ‘AUTO’ blinking: programming error
If there is no symbol alight other than the digits of the clock, this means that the timer is in manual
Setting the clock
The timer incorporates a digital electronic clock with luminous numbers indicating the hours and
minutes. When the appliance is first connected to the a.c. supply or following a power cut, three
zeroes will blink in the timer window. To set the clock press the duration key and the end of cooking
key simultaneously, then press the +/- keys to set the time.
Manual Operation
To start cooking without setting end of cooking time, press the manual key.
Fully automatic operation
To set the end of cooking time, press the duration key and press the +/- keys to set the duration of
cooking. Press the end of cooking key and press the +/- keys to set the time at which you want the
oven to switch off. When you finish setting these times, the
‘AUTO’ symbol flashes and the buzzer
sounds. Press any key to silence it.
Example: We want to cook food for a 30 minute period, ending at 14.00.
Press and hold duration key, enter 0.30 in the display
Press and hold end of cooking key, enter 14.00 in the display.