Blagdon Liberty Mains Free Woodland Pail & Urns Feature Quick Start Manual Download Page 4

Inset the top bucket into top of 

fountain body. Feed the hose 

through the hole towards the 

bottom of fountain body.

Locate the hose from the rear of the water feature through the 

rear access panel and attach the pump to the hose and feed the 

pump cable through the rear access panel. Locate the LED light 

cable and take it out ready for connection to the control panel. 

(see diagram) 

Carefully remove components from the box, lay them on a flat surface. The power set is not pre-connected, 

this is a straight forward process and all connections are colour coded for easy use, please see step 4 and 

step 5 for further details.

Attach the blue plug of the pump into 

control panel’s blue socket (see diagram 

and pic A). Attach the orange plug of the 

LED light into control panel’s orange socket 

(see diagram and pic B). Don’t forget to 

close the control panel’s yellow port  with 

the rubber socket protector. 

The yellow port is used for recharging and 

connecting to a solar panel which is sold 

separately (see pic B). Insert the control 

panel into the side access panel. 

Please note there is a small hole beside the 

access panel. This hole will be used to feed 

the solar panel cable through to connect 

with control panel when you upgrade to a 

solar panel.
