Alerts & Notifications
Automatic and manually triggered safety alerts are communicated to monitoring
personnel. Alert messages are configured for Loner M6 through the Loner Portal user
account. Loner Portal displays alerts and they can be sent via email and text to safety
monitoring personnel.
Understanding Alerts
An alert is a message that communicates a potential safety incident, such as an
Emergency Alert. Alerts are related to potential safety incidents and require life-cycle
management by monitoring personnel within Loner Portal. Depending on the priority
level of the Alert and per your organization’s emergency response protocol different
action must be taken by safety-monitoring personnel.
Emergency alert
Loner M6 sends an Emergency Alert if the Emergency
Latch has been pulled.
Silent alert
Loner M6 sends a Silent Emergency alarm if the acknowl-
edge button is pressed until vibration stops (about 3
Fall impact detected
Loner M6 sends a Fall Detected Alert when the device has
detected a fall AND you have not pressed the confirm but-
ton within the configured amount of time.
No-motion alert
Loner M6 sends a No-motion Alert when the device
does not detect motion for 2 minutes AND you have not
canceled the pending message within 30 seconds.
Missed check-in alert
Loner M6 sends a missed Check-in alert when you have
been prompted to check in and you have not cancelled
the pending alert.
Voice call alert
Initiated when the Loner M6 receives an incoming call
from monitoring personnel. The device will go into high
alarm, accompanied by a blue light. The alarm will stop
once the call has been received. The blue light will remain
on until the alert has been resolved.
All alerts are configurable.
Speak to your safety team to learn what features have been implemented for your
Loner M6.