Release Notes
SDR 158479
If a user is outside a wireless coverage area and then enters a wireless coverage area when there is not an SRP connection, the
BlackBerry Dispatcher does not communicate the user’s updated coverage status successfully to the BlackBerry Messaging
Agent. As a result, the BlackBerry Messaging Agent does not send messages to a BlackBerry device that it considers to be out
of coverage.
SDR 144581
The BlackBerry Professional Software might add duplicate device model or device manufacturer entries to the Enterprise
Service Policy.
Alert Tool
SDR 181271
If the SMTP server becomes unavailable, the BES Alert Tool causes the TCP/IP stack to run out of memory because of the
number of queued alerts. As a result, the BlackBerry Professional Software might stop responding.
SDR 114765
The BES Alert Tool detects BlackBerry Manager audit logging entries and sends notification messages for them. You cannot
turn off these notification messages.
BlackBerry Manager
SDR 180681
If you create URL patterns and assign them to a pull rule, an unknown exception error displays each time you edit the pull rule
and click OK.
SDR 167355
After an enterprise activation password for a user expires, the BlackBerry Manager displays “Initializing - Activation Password
Set” instead of “Initializing - Activation Password Expired”.
SDR 167354
If a user’s distinguished name is changed after the user was added to the BlackBerry Professional Software, and the user’s
distinguished name is identical to the distinguished name of another user in the BlackBerry Professional Software, the two user
accounts might be associated with the same IBM® Lotus Notes® messaging account.
Restart the BlackBerry Professional Software, or remove and re-add the user to the BlackBerry Professional Software.
SDR 166976
If you apply a software configuration that contains multiple .cod files for an application for different versions of BlackBerry®
Device Software and a single .alx file for that application, some BlackBerry devices might receive a .cod file that is not
compatible with the version of BlackBerry Device Software used by the BlackBerry device.
SDR 164610
If you add a BlackBerry® 8707 smartphone to the BlackBerry Professional Software, in the BlackBerry Manager, the network
type for this device type displays as “7” instead of the correct value of “3G”.
SDR 163821,
SDR 160056
In certain circumstances, the successful installation message from a push application is not received, and the BlackBerry Policy
Service queue is not cleared.
SDR 159030
If you create two URL patterns with the same URL and different service names (for example, HTTP for the first and HTTPS for
the second), and allow one URL pattern and deny the other URL pattern in the same URL pattern rule, a database error message
SDR 159004
If you try to search for a user using the BlackBerry Manager, the user information is not always displayed correctly in the
preview window in the BlackBerry Manager.
SDR 158102
If a user’s last name contains an apostrophe, you might not be able to search for that user in the BlackBerry Manager.
SDR 150208
If the UNID of a BlackBerry device user in the IBM® Lotus® Domino® directory changes (for example, the user is accidentally
deleted and restored in the directory by copying the person document from a backup into the directory), the BlackBerry
Professional Software might be unable to find the user by the UNID. The BlackBerry Professional Software then searches for
the user by name and might locate the wrong user. As a result, a user might become associated with the wrong user account.
SDR 148328
If you try to send applications to a BlackBerry device over the wireless network, and the application delivery fails because the
BlackBerry device type is not listed in the device.xml file, you receive no notification about why the application delivery failed.
SDR 147293
To create a software configuration, you must create the following path: <
>:\Program Files\Common Files\Research In
Motion\Shared\Applications. To index applications in this location, type loader.exe /index. For more information about how to
create a software configuration, see the
BlackBerry Professional Software Administration Guide
SDR 146174
If you clear the PIN range of the Enterprise Service Policy, older BlackBerry devices in your organization might have to activate
over the wireless network again.
SDR 145678
If you allow a user to override the Enterprise Service Policy, the field for this setting is blank in the BlackBerry Manager;
however, the override setting is successfully applied to the user.
SDR 142119
If you sort users using the BlackBerry Device Model column, the users might not be sorted correctly.
SDR 139578
If you send the Set Password and Lock Handheld command with a forbidden password, the BlackBerry device does not apply
the command, and the password is not enabled on the BlackBerry device.
SDR 138326
In the All Users view in the BlackBerry Manager, if you try to sort users using the phone number column or the serial number
column, the BlackBerry Manager might not be able to sort the users correctly if either column contains a blank record.
SDR 138075
If you add a user account to the BlackBerry Professional Software using the BlackBerry Manager and the user account does not
initialize (for example, the account is deleted from the IBM Lotus Domino directory), and if you then delete the user account
using the BlackBerry Manager, the user account is not removed from the BlackBerry profiles database.
BlackBerry Dispatcher