BlackBerry Smart Card Reader
Security method
Random number generation
In the BlackBerry Smart Card Reader, the following sources of
entropy seed the random number generator:
RIM manufactures each BlackBerry Smart Card Reader with
a random 64-byte value (a seed). This provides the
BlackBerry Smart Card Reader with entropy before the
wireless transceiver is turned on.
When the initial key establishment protocol establishes the
master encryption key and the connection key
establishment protocol establishes the connection key that
the BlackBerry device or computer and the BlackBerry Smart
Card Reader use to send data between them, the BlackBerry
device or computer and the BlackBerry Smart Card Reader
use SHA-512 to hash all of the data packets that they send
and receive between them and add the hashed data packets
to the entropy pool.
Each time the BlackBerry device or computer and the
BlackBerry Smart Card Reader negotiate keys during the
initial key establishment protocol and the connection key
establishment protocol, the BlackBerry device or computer
sends a 64-byte seed to the BlackBerry Smart Card Reader.
The BlackBerry Smart Card Reader adds this value to its
random source.
See the
BlackBerry Enterprise Solution Security Technical
for more information about the BlackBerry device
random number generation process.
Control Bluetooth connections from third-party applications
Application control is designed to limit the use of Bluetooth wireless technology (and the Bluetooth profiles) to
specific, permitted third-party applications. Using the BlackBerry Enterprise Server Version 4.0 or later, you can
set BlackBerry Enterprise Server IT policy rules and application policy rules to control how third-party
applications use the BlackBerry Smart Card Reader to connect to Bluetooth enabled BlackBerry devices.
Use application control policy rules to
permit or prevent third-party applications from being downloaded onto BlackBerry devices
define the features (for example, the email application, the phone application, and the BlackBerry device key
store) that third-party applications can access on the BlackBerry device
define the types of connections that a third-party application can establish (for example, opening network
connections inside the firewall) on the BlackBerry device
send third-party applications to BlackBerry devices over the wireless network
prevent third-party applications that have obtained a digital signature from the RIM signing authority
system from using the BlackBerry device controlled APIs to do anything other than access persistent storage
of user data and communicate with other applications
You can set application control policy rules so that all Bluetooth profiles are unavailable for applications by
default and then turn on the Bluetooth Serial Port Profile for the BlackBerry Smart Card Reader driver only. In
this configuration, only the necessary applications are permitted to use the BlackBerry Smart Card Reader driver.
Managing BlackBerry Smart Card Reader technology
You can set BlackBerry Enterprise Server IT policy rules that are designed to control the behavior of the
BlackBerry Smart Card Reader.