About the availability status
Your availability status is made up of a status message and an availability indicator. You can create a custom availability status by typing
your own status message and choosing an availability indicator. By default, the availability indicator appears as available.
Change your availability status
On the Friends list screen, press the Menu key.
2. Click My Status.
3. Click an availability status.
Create a custom availability status
On the Friends list screen, press the Menu key.
2. Click My Status.
3. Click Custom status.
4. Type a status message.
5. Perform any of the following actions:
• To change the availability indicator that appears beside your status message to busy, select the Show busy icon check box. By
default, the availability indicator appears as available.
• To add the custom availability status to the status list, select the Add to status message list check box.
6. Click OK.
Delete custom availability statuses
On the Friends list screen, press the Menu key.
2. Click My Status.
3. Click Clear all custom statuses.
Receive notification when a contact becomes available
In the Friends list, highlight an offline Friend.
2. Press the Menu key.
3. Perform one of the following actions:
• To turn on an availability alert, click Alert Me. Click OK.
• To turn off an availability alert, click Clear Alert.
User Guide