Mavic & Me Flight Planning
© 2018-2019 BLACK CAT MEDIA / MAVIC & ME PAGE 10
Operational Procedures
The following procedures are provided as an example of the way in which to safely operate your
Unmanned Aircraft.
Please note:
These are generic procedures, and you may need to tailor them towards your specific
Prior to flight the RP must:
Verify that Flight Crew are adequately briefed, have completed all required checklists and that
suitable cordons and safety equipment are in place
Ensure that Flight Crew and relevant 3
parties are specifically briefed on the commands that
may be utilised during the operation, the meaning of those commands and actions required
upon hearing those commands, if any
Ensure landowners/land users permission has been granted for operations to commence
Ensure 3
parties are a safe distance away in accordance with the PfCO/OA.
Ensure timings are in keeping with any clearances or NOTAMs issued. Most ATC units will
require an update via telephone prior to launch.
Conduct a final check to ensure that the SUAS is airworthy and safe to operate. This is to be
conducted prior to and after each flight and is to be documented each time in the aircraft
This is defined as the moment the RP takes the SUAS to the TOLP for the purpose of starting a flight.
Prior to engaging any power with the SUAS and equipment, a final check is to be made to ensure the
TOLP and surrounding area are clear.
The start sequence documented in the instruction manual will then be followed, paying particular
attention to battery and Flight Controller Status indications. The observer(s) are to position
themselves in a suitable location to assist the RP with the launch (if required). The RP will give the
command ‘
’ to alert Flight Crew members and 3
parties that the rotors are about to start
turning. All Flight Crew members are to make note of the start time at this point in case of failure of
SUAS based Flight Logging.
Where practical the RP/Crew are to stand at a safe distance behind the SUAS, with the take-off
direction away from them. It is not a requirement to take off into wind, but it is recommended. It is
desirable for all 3
parties to be positioned behind the pilot at this stage. Immediately prior to launch,
a final check is to be made to ensure that the TOLP is clear of obstructions or hazards including