5. Rackmount Installation
The SHM-B Async Card is a rack mount unit (ME805-C)
that installs in a standard 19-inch panel rack. (You can
use the SHM-B Rack [ME810], which can hold up to 16
cards.) The SHM-B Async Card will occupy 5.25 inches
of vertical rack space, and is 9 inches deep.
To install the SHM-B Rack, first remove the acrylic front
panel by pulling out the six plunger latches on the front
of the panel, then pulling on opposite-side plungers to
loosen and remove the panel.
Locate the four 10/32 Phillips-head screws that were
shipped with the SHM-B Rack. Use these screws to fasten
the SHM-B Rack to your rack.
Do not attempt to use screws which are not countersunk, as
this will result in damage to the plastic front panel when it is
Wire each SHM-B board according to Figures 1 and 2 in
this manual. It is easiest to first feed all of the wires and
cables through the rack. Then you can make the
necessary circuit board connections with the circuit
boards positioned in front of the rack; this allows for the