Version: 1.2
Page. 15 of 25
4.3 Performance management submenu
Upon activation of the performance management submenu the following message will be
Performance Management
1.Loop Status...
4.EtherNet Status...
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4.3.1 Loop Status submenu
Upon activation of the performance management submenu the following message will be
Performance Management->Loop Status
System Up Time: 0 Day 00:16:31
= Loop 1 =
Loop Up Time: 0 Day 00:15:07
Operation State:Data
Line Speed: 2312K
Rx Gain: 5.43 dB
Tx Power: 14.50 dBm
S/N Ratio: 37.74 dB
Framer Status: In sync.
Loop Atten.: -0.19 dB
Operation Mode: Slave
Auto/Fixed: Fixed
Clock Source: Follow Loop
Annex: A/B
Fixed Speed: 2312K(36N)
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