Event Logs
Starting IPCP negotiation with <remote site alias>
Generated when the Internet Protocol Control Protocol negotiation has been initiated with the remote site
device associated with the stated remote site profile.
Starting IPXCP negotiation with <remote site alias>
Generated when the Internet Packet Exchange Control Protocol negotiation has been initiated with the
remote site device associated with the stated remote site profile.
Station address table has been filled
Generated when the station address table is filled. This event is not regenerated until the table size drops
below 3/4 full and then fills again.
STP disabled
Generated when STP is disabled.
STP enabled
Generated when STP is enabled.
TFTP: stop putting filename to <IP address>
The bridge/router has sent the final data packet of a file (filename), but has timed out before receiving the
final ACK. The session may or may not have succeeded in delivering the entire file.
TFTP: <IP address> finished getting filename
The bridge/router has sent the final packet of a file (filename) that a LAN device with IP address displayed
was getting from the bridge/router.
TFTP: <IP address> finished putting filename
The bridge/router has ACK-ed the last packet of a file (filename) that a LAN device with IP address
displayed was putting onto the bridge/router.
TFTP: <IP address> getting filename
A LAN device with IP address displayed is getting a file (filename) from the bridge/router.
TFTP: <IP address> putting filename
A LAN device with IP address displayed is putting a file (filename) onto the bridge/router.