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Chapter 4: Console Configuration
CO/RT has 2 options: STU-C and STU-R. To establish a successful connection for two G.SHDSL Two-Wire Ethernet Network
Extenders, set one unit to STU-C (CO Site) and the other unit to STU-R (Remote Site).
2P/1P has 2 options: 1 Pair and 2 Pairs. LR0202A-KIT supports both 1-pair and 2-pair SHDSL applications. To establish a successful
connection for LR0202A-KIT, set the two units to the same selection.
4.2.2. DSL Speed Screen
From the DSL Speed screen, users can configure DSL transmission rates.
For 1-pair setting in the DSL Mode menu, the options are:
64 kbps, 128 kbps, 192 kbps, 256 kbps, 384 kbps, 512 kbps, 768 kbps, 1152 kbps, 1536 kbps, 1544 kbps, 2048 kbps,
2304 kbps, 3072 kbps, 4608 kbps, 5696 kbps, and adaptive speed.
For 2-pair setting in the DSL Mode menu, the options are:
284 kbps, 512 kbps, 768 kbps, 1152 kbps, 1544 kbps, 2304 kbps, 3072 kbps, 3088 kbps, 4096 kbps, 4608 kbps,
6176 kbps, 9216 kbps, 10.8 Mbps, and adaptive speed.
The user must set both extenders to the same speed selection to establish a successful connection for 64 kbps, 128 kbps, 3072
kbps, 4608 kbps, 5696 kbps, and adaptive speed.
For the rate speed options between 192 kbps and 2.304 Mbps, the remote (slave) site will follow the CO (master) site’s speed,
regardless of the speed selected for the remote site unit.
When setting for adaptive rate, two or more activation cycles are necessary. The system will automatically adapt to maximum
speed according to the loop distances. The maximum speed is 5.696 Mbps for 1-pair mode and 10.8 Mbps for 2-pair mode.
DSL Speed
DSL Speed Setting = Adaptive
[ENTER] select [ESC] quit
Figure 4-6. DSL Speed screen.