CHAPTER 3: Installation
3.1.4 CTS D
When the transmitter of a device is first turned on, an unstable carrier signal
is transmitted for several milliseconds. If data was sent during this period, it
would be received as distorted information. Setting a CTS delay on the
LD485A-HS allows the communications link to settle down before data can be
LD485A-HS as DCE
When the LD485A-HS is configured as a DCE device (DIP shunt in position
XW1A), jumper W9 controls the amount of delay from the time RTS (jumper
W5 in the A-B position) is received true until CTS is asserted true. If W5 is in
the B-C position, CTS will be inhibited if an RS-485 carrier is present when
RTS is raised. To select a CTS delay period, set jumper W9 to the 0-, 10-, or
30-msec position. Regardless of the delay setting selected, when RTS goes
false, CTS will immediately go false. If jumper W9 is in the “ON” position,
CTS will follow RTS.
LD485A-HS as DTE
When the LD485A-HS is configured as a DTE device (DIP shunt in position
XW1B), CTS is not supported.
3.1.5 RS-485 D
The LD485A-HS’s RS-485 driver can be set to be enabled one of three ways: by
RS-232 control signals, by data, or constantly on.
Driver Enabled by RS-232 Control Leads
If your equipment raises CD or RTS, you can set the RS-485 driver to be
enabled by one of these leads. If your equipment does not have the capability
to raise CD or RTS, you will need to set the RS-485 driver to be enabled by
data or constantly enabled.
In order for an RS-232 control lead to enable the RS-485 driver, W15 must be
in position A-B and W9 must be set for 0, 10, or 30 ms.
• When the RS-232 port is selected as DTE (DIP shunt in the XW1B
position), the RS-485 driver will be enabled when CD (pin 8 of the
RS-232 connector) goes true.
• When the RS-232 port is selected as DCE (DIP shunt in the XW1A
position), RTS enables the driver.