Industrial Control Modem GSM
TECHNICAL: 0118 931 2233
With transparent data transmission GSM error correction is not applied, over the air interface.
This command is used to determine the local serial port start-stop
(asynchronous) character framing that the DCE shall use. If your
application requires something other than the normal 8 data bits, 1 stop
bit and no parity, you may use this command to make the change. See
AT Command manual
for full details.
Defines if the DCE echoes (sends back) characters to the DTE.
Characters are not echoed
Characters are echoed Check which your DTE requires
Defines whether the DCE should answer incoming calls automatically.
Incoming calls not answered
Incoming calls answered after 1 ring
Incoming calls answered after 5 rings
The default is 0, therefore if incoming calls are to be answered this point must be changed.
Usually set to 1. Note - make sure you use a 0 (zero) after the S and not a letter O.
If your DTE will not work with the default configuration in the Industrial Control Modem
GSM, remembering that the ATS0 command must be changed if incoming calls are to be
answered, the above are the most likely parameters that may need changing. Experience
suggests that only one or two points may need to be changed. You will need information
from the manufacturer of your Connected Equipment (DTE) in order to configure the
Industrial Control Modem GSM (DCE) correctly. Ask for advice on each of the above
If you wish to give the DCE these commands via an initialisation string, from the DTE, either
on power up and/or when a call is to be made, then they may be made in the normal manner,
such as:
AT +IPR=0 +CBST=0,0,1 &C1 E0 V0 S0=1
Note. The spaces have been inserted for clarity and need not be placed in the string. Again
for clarity we suggest that upper case is used.
If you wish to store the configuration permanently in the Industrial Control Modem GSM
(DCE) then you may use a PC terminal programme, such as HyperTerminal (supplied with
Windows) as follows.
Start HyperTerminal, name the new connection and hit OK. In the next pop-up box go to
“Connect using” and select “Direct to Com1”, assuming you are using Com1. Hit OK.
On next pop-up box go to “Bits per second” and select 9600, leave all other parameters as
they are. Hit OK.