CHAPTER 3: Installation
3.1 Installing a Single LineShare 1 x 4
Take these steps to install a single LineShare 1 x 4 and attach as many as four
devices to it (refer to Figure 3-1 on the next page):
1. Place the LineShare 1 x 4 in a cool dry place within 5 ft. (1.5 m) of a
utility-power wall outlet, as close as possible to the devices you want to
attach to it. (It should also be within 7 ft. [2.1 m] of the phone jack if
you want to use our included phone cable.)
2. Plug the output cord of the 1 x 4’s power supply into the barrel jack
marked “12 VAC” on the unit’s rear panel, then plug the power supply’s
transformer into the wall outlet.
3. Run a regular telephone cord (either the one we supply with the unit
or one of your own) from the 1 x 4’s “LINE” port to a phone-line jack.
4. Run other regular telephone cords from Ports 1, 2, 3, and 4 to the
devices you want to attach to them (the devices that will be sharing the
line). You can use the phone cords that came with these devices.
That’s all there is to it. Your LineShare 1 x 4 system should be ready for
continuous operation.
3. Installation