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Chapter 8: Admin Control Panel
8.8 E-mail
Figure 8-10. E-mail screen.
Use this page to set e-mail parameters and recipients’ addresses.
You must set the SMTP server. See the Configuration/SMTP setting.
The sender Name and E-mail are addresses of your ControlBridge Unit. The sender Name and E-mail are used by the XPL2 com-
mands EmailSend and PresetEmailSend.
The recipient Names and E-mails are addresses of recipients, where e-mails will be sent using the XPL2 command
8.9 Settings
Figure 8-11. Settings screen.
On this page, you can set some display features.
The Backlight Saver automatically switches off the display backlight. Set Time in minutes. When you set Time to 0, that Backlight
Saver is disabled.
LCD Backlight sets display backlight level.
If Adaptive Brightness is switched to Yes, the light sensor automatically adjusts display backlight according ambient light level.
If Motion Sensor is switched to Yes, the Motion Sensor resumes touch panel from Backlight Saver mode automatically.