Page 1: ...mountedor held must be only lineswit notbe levelon sleped within 5 de_rees ot wallsorotber non verfisai surfeces vertical tar t _e self leveling mechanism to function correctly It thisis exceeded the lines will still rojestbutmay notbe Solution Replacewithfreshbattery Start againmovingfartherto either side Be surelaser odioffswitchis inthe full onposition Storage Alwaysstorethe BullseyeLaserLevela...
Page 2: Coloqueel Idserfirmementesobre una superficienivaiade De eaerse el Idser esto pedria resultaren dafiosal aparatoo graveslesionespersonales ATENClaN Sea precavidoai taladrar clavaro cortaren parades pisosy cietorrasos que peedan contener cableado el_otrico o tuberias Esfos obores podrian percibirse per el detector de entramado Bu seye de a msma orma come se detectan os postes de entramado Dad do...