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The VCA2410 is a dual, linear response voltage controlled amplifier (VCA). Both VCAs may be used
independently or together to process audio or control voltages.
The two CV inputs are normalled to an internal voltage source so that the VCAs can be used in mixer mode without
any external CV. When a patch cord is plugged into a CV jack, the internal CV is bypassed.
Normalling also routes the A input to the B input and the B output to the A output. The “Controls and Operation”
section will show why this is a handy feature.
One control knob is available for each VCA. Note that they may yield the same results, but that each one has a
distinct function. The upper control attenuates the input signal, while the lower control attenuates the CV. This
allows added flexibility in use.
“B” Signal Output
“A” (“B”) Signal Input
(Also sent to “B” if “In B” is
not connected)
“A” Signal Attenuator
“A” Control Voltage
“B” Control Voltage
“B” Signal Input
“A” (“B”) Signal Output
(Includes “B” Signal if “Out B”
is not connected)
“B” CV Attenuator