Rev. 5.04
- 33 -
2) Set the baud rate
(Except IFA/C-EP TYPE, SLP-T40*E, SLP-D40*E)
- SRP-270,275,280: Max. 19200 bps
- SRP-350: Max. 57600 bps
- SRP-350Plus: Max. 115200 bps
- SRP-370,372: Max. 115200 bps
- SRP-770: Max. 115200bps
- SLP-T400,T403,D400,D403: Max 115200 bps
- SRP-770II,770IIE: Max 230400 bps
- The baud rate (Serial speed) of the interface card is from 1200 ~ 230400 bps.
- The baud rate (Serial speed) of the printer can be set with DIP switch
3) Virtual Driver
It converts output of Serial (COM) port into output of Ethernet (TCP/IP) port.
It is available for Windows 2000, XP, 2003 Server, VISTA, 7.