v. 3.0
Reference guide
Compressor Control Module CM-RC-01
25 / 44
Alarm system
Both warning, alarm and locked states are visible via LEDs and via the serial communication bus.
Via the serial communication bus, more information regarding an alarm is available as listed in the
table below.
Alarm severity types
There are the following alarm severity types:
If a fault-level alarm condition is detected, the CM-RC-01 will open the relays for the motor
contacts and stop the compressor motor.
A fault is logged in the fault log.
If a critical-level alarm condition is detected, operation may continue but for a limited time
or with reduced performance.
A warning is signalled when a condition occurs which may require attention but is not
severe enough to stop operation of the compressor. The compressor keeps running.
Warnings, Criticals and Faults can be active at the same time as they may have separate alarm
and reset limits.
Fault reset types
Below are listed the different methods to reset faults.
A reset will dismiss faults only if the fault condition has disappeared.
An external-reset resets both externally alarms and timed resettable alarms; a timed reset
however, can only reset timed resettable alarms.
Cleared by a power cycle of the CM-RC-01
Extern reset: The fault is cleared if the fault condition has disappeared when the reset command
is received
Timed reset: Timed reset is an automatic, repetitive, timed reset.
Timed resets will be issued with an interval of ”Timed Reset Timeout” time as long
as a timed resettable fault is present.
Automatic reset of faults when the fault condition disappears.