BITRONVIDEO AV 1423/010 Installation Manual Download Page 3







1.  Fix up the arrival of the cables conduit to match with the bracket cables passage. The suggested height 

is from 1,48 to 1,52 meters from the fl oor 

(fi g.1)


2.  Fix the bracket to the wall by using the four screws provided, and match the central hole to the 

prospective embedded box, previously walled-in, or with the cable left out from the wall.

3.  Connect cables to the terminal board present on the bracket.
4.  Mount the monitor on the bracket by using the upper hooks and pivoting it till blocking the monitor by 

the automatic fi xing hook 

(fi g.2)

. In order to take it off from the bracket, press the hook as shown in 

the picture 

(fi g. 2)

 and make the reverse movement.



On the bracket there is a terminal board enabling the wiring of the following signals:


: System 



Monitor supply positive


Monitor power-on input without ringer activation.


Audio, call and door opener input. 


Floor call input


Positive video input


Negative video input


: Monitor 




:  NA 24V 0,5A free contact



:  NA 24V 0,5A free contract


Red led available on the monitor for open door signalling.

To have the monitor perfectly working, connect wires according to the schemes attached to the video unit.

1-3-A-B-C wires should be absolutely connected, in order to  have a correct system operation.


Selezione dell’impedenza di ingresso del segnale video 

Il commutatore a slitta SW1, permette di selezionare l’impedenza di ingresso del segnale video. La posizione 
di default L, prevede la bassa impedenza (tipicamente 75 


Ponendolo su H l’impedenza selezionata risulterà elevata (47.000 


Per mofi care la posizione di questo interruttore, ricordare che esso dipende dal tipo di impianto nel quale il 
monitor verrà montato:


  Su L in impianti con scatola di derivazione al piano SD55 (nel caso di condominio...)


  Su L in impianti monofamiliari (installazione punto a punto).


  Su H in impianti con pi ù di un monitor e senza scatola di derivazione al piano. Sono impianti defi niti 

entra/esci, dove i fi li di collegamento del segnale video devono arrivare direttamente sui morsetti A e 
B del monitor e ripartire esattamente dai medesimi morsetti verso i monitor successivi. Attenzione, in 
questa confi gurazione l’ultimo monitor dovrà prevedere le resistenze di terminazione.

Segreto di conversazione 

Il ponticello 


 consente di attivare od escludere il segreto di conversazione audio. Con il ponticello 

posizionato su “


” (impostazione di default) il segreto di conversazione è escluso. Sollevando in qualsiasi 

momento il microtelefono del monitor, sarà possibile conversare con il posto esterno. Con il ponticello 
posizionato su “


” il segreto di conversazione è attivo. Sarà possibile conversare con il posto esterno 

soltanto dopo la ricezione di una chiamata.

Auxiliary connections description

All connections described here below enable some monitor auxiliary functions.


The P connector

 will be connected if the call at fl oor is requested. In this case an A3000 (AV1142) 

auxiliary power supply should be connected, in order to produce a negative call to all the riser or to an 
A70 IRC (AV7362) power supply.


The T connector

, if connected, allows to turn on the monitor without activating the ringer. This function 

is activated by providing a –12V voltage between T and 1 when there is a +20V voltage on the connector 


The E connector

, if connected, allows to turn on the monitor and the camera by pressing the button with 

“, presents on the monitor. The function is available only if there is not any other monitor active.


Q1 and Q1 connectors

 enable the contact usually open, of the button “


” presents on the  monitor.  It  

can  be  used  as  activation  for  staircase  lights  control,  cameras  control, electric entrances control, 
etc …


Q2 and Q2 connectors

 enable the contact, usually open, of the button “


” presents on the monitor. It 

can be used as activation for staircase lights, cameras, electric entrances, etc …


The  LD  connector

  enables  the  red  led  on  the  monitor.  The  activation  of  the  led  is obtained by 

having a +12Vdc voltage referred to the system ground (“1”). It can be used as open door signalling or 
by connecting it together with the connector “


”, it can indicate the system busy condition and so the 

impossibility to make the auto-activation. When the monitor is turn on, the same led will be green and it 
will be predominant on a possible outdoor signalling. By setting the monitor in a correct way (please see 
the monitor manual), and by  providing  a  continuous  supply  of  +12Vdc voltage  to  the  connector 



it  will  be possible to turn on the led to signal the exclusion of call (



Selection of video signal input impedance 

The slider switch allows to select the impedance value for the video signal input. By setting such switch on 


” the selected impedance will be low (typically, 75 Ohm), while by setting it on “


” the resulting value will 

be high (47,000 Ohm). To set this switch correctly, remember it must be placed:



“L” position for systems with SD55 video splitters at each fl oor (e.g. apartment buildings....) .



“L” position for one-family systems (one-to-one installations)



“H” position for systems with several looping monitors, without video splitter box. They are defi ned as 

“entry/exit” systems where the video signal connecting wires arrive directly on A and B terminals of one 
monitor and leave from the same terminals toward the next monitor. Pay attention in this confi guration 
to closing resistors.

Secrecy of conversation 

The jumper 


 is used to switch on or off the secrecy of conversation. Inserting the jumper on 



setting) the secrecy of conversation will not be used. In this case, lifting the monitor handset, will put the 
user in communication with the outdoor station.
Inserting the jumper on “


” the secrecy of conversation will be activated. In this case the conversation 

with the outdoor station will be possible only after receiving a call.
