B1+ User´s Guide
Copyright@2018 Bitfily Technology Co., LTD. All Rights Reserved.
After finishing the three settings, click Config button.
4. Monitoring Your Miner
Miner Status
Monitor your miner through the followings
Real-time hash rate: it shows the real-time hash rate of the miner in one minute.
Average hash rate: it shows the average value of hash rate produced by the
operating miner.
Working hour: it shows the uptime of the miner.
Fan: it respectively shows the rotating speeds of the front and rear fans as
well as the duty cycle.
Curve graph: it shows the hash rate fluctuation of corresponding hash board
from the moment it starts to work to the moment you check it.
5. Administering Your Miner
Check your software version in
In the example below, the miner is using software version: B1+_20180917_143358