3.2.1 Fuel
The BIS TRADITION is designed to work best when fuelled with seasoned cordwood.
Hardwoods are preferred to softwoods since the energy content of wood is relative to its
density. Hardwoods will result in a longer burning fire and less frequent refuelling. A
moisture content of 15% to 20% (seasoned) is recommended. Wood that has been cut and
split and let to dry under a cover for a period of one year will usually meet that criteria.
Excessively wet wood will be difficult to burn and will result in lower efficiency, increased
creosoting and deposits on the glass and in the chimney. Excessively dry wood will burn
well but will also have higher emissions and shorter burning time.
Do not burn scrap or garbage, treated wood or wood such as driftwood from the ocean which
has been exposed to salt or other chemicals. Salt or chemicals can corrode the firebox and
chimney. Do not burn large amounts of paper, cardboard, Christmas tree branches or
building construction materials. Intense firing with these materials may overheat the
fireplace, causing damage to the unit, a fire or even possibly igniting a chimney fire if the
chimney is creosoted.
3.2.2 First Fires
Before using the fireplace make sure to remove the plastic wrapping on the door. Remove all
remaining glue with mild soap. Make sure the doors are properly adjusted, thus avoiding
colour change to finish due to overheat.
The first 5 or 6 fires should be small fires of short duration (about 30 to 60 minutes)
This will help cure the refractory bricks. The first fires may produce slight smoking due to
drying of the paint and steel and any dust accumulated on the fireplace will burn off at this
time. It may set off a smoke alarm located in the same room. For this reason the room
should be well ventilated for the first few fires.
3.2.3 Heat Output
The BIS Tradition is the latest member of the BIS family of high efficiency fireplace. The
heat generated from its fire is more efficiently captured and distributed. In spite of the large
amount of heat that the BIS Tradition can deliver, it should not replace the main source of
heat in your home. This fireplace will bring extra warmth and ambiance to your home by
distributing its heat as describe further in the manual.