Assembly Video
For a step by step guide on
how to build our Milford TV
Unit visit our YouTube channel
BirleaFurnitureLtd ’ or
alternatively scan the below
code on your smart phone.
How to scan a QR code from a Window’s device
Step One:
Step Two:
Step Three:
How to scan a QR code from an android device
Step One:
Step Two:
Step Three:
Step One:
Step Two:
Step Three:
How to scan a QR code from an apple device
Open up the camera app
Hold the device’s camera up to the QR code
Your Window devise will automatically recognise the QR code and provide
you with a link to the video.
Open up the camera app
Hold the device’s camera up to the QR code
Your Apple devise will automatically recognise the QR code and provide
you with a link to the video.
Download the QR Code reader application from the Play Store.
Open the QR code application and open the camera.
Your Android devise will automatically recognise the QR code and provide
you with a link to the video.