The way music should sound
O d é o n - m 1
5.2 - The Analog Inputs
The Odéon offers 3 analog inputs which can be used to connect legacy analog sources such as a
tuner, RIAA preamplifier or any other analog sources with a high-level line output, turning the unit
into a commodity passive preamplifier. These sources can be selected using the front panel buttons
labeled An.1 to An.3 (see controls on page 6).
A passive preamplifier is a unit that does not insert any active components in the analog signal’s
path. As a preamplifier, the Odéon becomes a perfect transparent switch that lets you enjoy your
legacy analog components just the way they sound with no added distotion.
As a passive preamplifier, the Odéon only inserts one high-quality air sealed gold-plated over silver
contact switch to connect the selected analog source to the output exactly as-is. If using the variable
output, an additional high-quality potentiometer (ALPS) is added.
An exception however is made for the monitor analog output which includes a highly transparent
unity gain buffer to avoid interference between the unknown load of the monitor and the analog
signal being listened to. The monitor buffer however has no gain and benefits from Birdland Audio’s
fifteen years of research on building transparent electronics. But don’t take our word for it, go ahead
and try it!