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Chapter 3: UEFI BIOS & Software
Vivid LED DJ
Vivid LED DJ can adjust your color scheme of on-board LEDs, MOSFET Heatsink LED and RGB
LED Device.
1. Normal Mode:
It balances energy consumption and system performance.
2. Default:
All the setting are back to default.
3. ECO Mode:
It saves energy by slightly reducing system performance.
4. Sport Mode:
It provides the highest level of system performance.
ECO & Sport onboard buttons and LED lights will be available when running RACING GT program in
Windows environment.
The color schemes of Normal, ECO & Sport mode can be adjusted by below setting items.
5. LED Type:
Select the LED lighting blocks.
• ALL :
All LED illuminations.
System LED illumination. (MOSFET Heatsink LED, on board LED)
• HEADER 1 :
The hearder 1 LED illumination. (RGB LED Device)
• HEADER 2 :
The hearder 2 LED illumination. (RGB LED Device)
If you select two or more LED types, you can only select one color and one sparkling mode.
6. Auto:
LEDs will automatically change the color.
7. Permanent:
LEDs are constantly lit.
8. Breath:
LEDs gradually flash on and off.
9. Color Palette:
Allows to you choose specific color of the LEDs.
10. Shine & Music:
LEDs will flash according the music played on your system.
Please make sure your speaker or earphone is properly connected to audio jack before using RACING
GT program.
11. Shine:
LEDs flash at a specific frequency.
12. Light/Dark:
Allows you to adjust the LED brightness.