TF520 A2+/TF560 A2+
SYS FAN1 Control By
The Choice “smart” can make your northbridge FAN to reduce noise.
The Choices: Always ON
(default), Smart.
CPU FAN Control By
The Choice “smart” can make your CPU FAN to reduce noise.
The Choices: Always ON
(default), Smart.
CPU Fan Off<
If the CPU Temperature is lower than the set value, FAN will turn off.
The Choices:
Min=0,.Max=20, Key in a DEC number.
CPU Fan Start<
CPU fan starts to work under smart fan function when arrive this set
The Choices:
Min=0,.Max=50, Key in a DEC number.
CPU Fan Full speed <
When CPU temperature is reach the set value, the CPU fan will work
under Full Speed.
The Choices:
Min=0,.Max=80, Key in a DEC number.
Start PWM Value
When CPU temperature arrives to the set value, the CPU fan will work
under Smart Fan Function mode. The range is from 0~127, with an
interval of 1.
The Choices:
Min=0,.Max=127, Key in a DEC number.
Shutdown Temperature
This item allows you to set up the CPU shutdown Temperature. This item is
only effective under Windows 98 ACPI mode.
The Choices:
Disabled, 60
/ 140
, 65
/ 149
, 70
/ 158
, 75
/ 167
/ 176
(Default), 85
/ 185
, 90
/ 194
Show H/W Monitor in POST
If you computer contains a monitoring system, it will show PC health status
during POST stage. The item offers several different delay times.
The Choices: Enabled
(default), Disabled.