TA790GXB3/TA785-A3 BIOS Manual
Bank Interleaving
Bank Interleaving is an advanced chipset technique used to improve memory
perform ance. Memory interleaving increases bandwidth by allowing simultaneous
access to more than one piece of memory.
Options: Auto (Default) / Disabled
Channel Interleaving
T his item allows you to control the DDR2 dual-channel function.
Options: XOR of Address bits [20:16, 6] (Default) / XOR of Address bits
[20:16, 9] / Address bits 6 / Address bits 12 / Disabled
Enable Clock to All DIMM s
T his item determines whether the BIOS should actively reduce EMI
(Electromagn etic Interference) and reduce power consumption by turning off
unoccupied or inactive DIMM slots.
Options: Disabled (Default) / Enabled
M emClk Tristate C3/ATLVID
T his item enables or disables the MemClk T ristate function in C3 Mode.
Options: Disabled (Default) / Enabled
M emory Hole Remapping
T his item allows you to enable or disable the remapping of the overlapped PCI
memory above the total physical memory. Only 64-bit OS supports this function.
Options: Enabled (Default) / Disabled
DC T Unganged M ode
T his item controls the DRAM controller ganged (128bit*1) / unganged (64bit*2)
dual-chann el operation mode. If two DRAM modules with different size are
installed, using unganged mode can still make it run in dual-channel operation.
Options: Always (Default) / Auto
Power Dow n Enable
T his item controls the DRAM power down function.
Options: Disabled (Default) / Enabled