P4M890-M7 SE
Hard Disk Boot Priority
The BIOS will attempt to arrange the Hard Disk boot sequence automatically.
You can change the Hard Disk booting sequence here.
The Choices:
Pri. Master, Pri. Slave, Sec. Master, Sec. Slave, USB HDD0, USB
HDD1, USB HDD2, and Bootable Add-in Cards.
First/Second/Third Boot Dev ice
The BIOS will attempt to load the operating system in this order.
The Choices:
Floppy, LS120, Hard Disk, CDROM, ZIP100, USB-FDD,
Boot Other Dev ice
When enabled, BIOS will try to load the operating system from other device
when it failed to load from the three devices above.
The Choices:
(default), Disabled
Sw ap Floppy Drive
For systems with two floppy drives, this option allows you to swap logical
drive assignments.
The Choices: Disabled
(default), Enabled.