TForce 550 SE
SYS FAN Control by
Choose “smart” to reduce the noise caused by the System FAN.
The Choices:
Always On
CPU Fan Off<
If the CPU Temperature is lower than the set value, FAN will turn off.
The Choices:
Min=0, Max=127, Key in a DEC number..
CPU Fan Start<
CPU fan starts to work under smart fan function when arrive this set value.
The Choices:
Min=0, Max=127, Key in a DEC number..
CPU Fan Full speed <
When CPU temperature is reach the set value, the CPU fan will work under Full
The Choices:
Min=0, Max=127, Key in a DEC number..
Start PWM Value
When CPU temperature arrives to the set value, the CPU fan will work under
Smart Fan Function mode. The range is from 0~127, with an interval of 1.
The Choices:
Min=0, Max=127, Key in a DEC number..
Slope PWM
Increasing the value of slope PWM will raise the speed of CPU fan.
The Choices:
0 PWM Value/
1 PWM Value/
, 2 PWM Value/
4 PWM Value/
, 8 PWM Value/
,16 PWM Value/
,32 PWM Value/
64PWM Value/
CPU Vcore, Chipset Volt, +3.3V, +5.0V, +12.0V, DDR Voltage,
HT Voltage, 5V<SB>, Voltage Battery
Detect the system’s voltage status automatically.
This field displays the current temperature of SYSTEM.