Chapter 2
BIOS Setup
Power On by Ring
An input signal on the serial Ring Indicator (RI) line (in other words, an incoming
call on the modem) awakens the system from a soft off state.
The Choices: Disabled
(default), Enabled.
WakeUp On LAN
To use this function, you need a LAN add-on card which support power on function.
It should also support the wake-up on LAN jumper.
The Choices: Disabled
(default), Enabled.
Resume by Alarm
This function is for setting date and time for your computer to boot up. During
Disabled, you cannot use this function. During Enabled, Choose the Date and Time
Date (of Month) Alarm
You can choose which month the system
will boot up.
Time (hh:mm:ss) Alarm
You can choose shat hour, minute and
second the system will boot up.
Note: If you have change the setting, you must let the system boot up until it goes
to the operating system, before this function will work.
Reload Global Timer Events
Reload Global Timer Events are I/O events whose occurrence can prevent the
system from entering a power saving mode or can awaken the system from such a
mode. In effect, the system remains alert for anything, which occurs to a device,
which is configured as
, even when the system is in a power down mode.
Primary IDE 0/1
Secondary IDE 0/1