K8M800 Micro AM2 BIOS Setup
This item allows you to select CPU Clock, and CPU over clocking
The Choices: 200Mhz
(default), Disabled.
Min= 200
Max= 232
Key in a DEC number.
Special Notice:
If unfortunately, the system’s frequency that you are selected is not
functioning, there are two methods of booting-up the system.
Method 1:
Clear the COMS data by setting the JCOMS1 ((2-3) closed)) as “ON” status.
All the CMOS data will be loaded as defaults setting.
Method 2:
Press the <Insert> key and Power button simultaneously, after that
keep-on pressing the <Insert> key until the power-on screen showed.
This action will boot-up the system according to FSB of the processor.
It’s strongly recommended to set CPU Vcore and clock in default setting. If the CPU
Vcore and clock are not in default setting, it may cause CPU or M/B damage.