Hi-Fi Z77S/Hi-Fi H77S
This item allows you to control the CPU Smart Fan function.
CPU FAN Calibrate
Press [ENTER] to calibrate CPU FAN.
Control Mode
This item provides several operation modes of the fan.
Fan Ctrl OFF(
When CPU temperature is lower than this value, the CPU fan will keep
lowest RPM. The range is from 0~50, with an interval of 1.
Fan Ctrl On(
When CPU temperature is higher than this value, the CPU fan controller
will turn on. The range is from 0~70, with an interval of 1.
Fan Ctrl Start Value
This item sets CPU FAN Start Speed Value. The range is from 0~255, with
an interval of 1.
Fan Ctrl Sensitive
The bigger the numeral is, the higher the FAN speed is. The range is from
1~255, with an interval of 1.