G41D3G BIOS M anual
Restore on AC Power Loss
T his setting specifies how your system should behave after a power fail or interrupts
occurs. By choosing Disabled will leave the computer in the power off state.
Choosing Enabled will restore the system to the status before power failure or
interrupt occurs.
Options: Power O ff (Default) / Power ON / Last State
Hardware Health Conf iguration
T his item shows the system temperature, fan speed, and voltage information.
Hardw are Health Co nfiguration
H/W H ealth Functio n [ Enabled]
Shutd own Temperatu re Function[ Disabled]
CPU T emperature
SYS T emperature
CPU F an
Syste m1 Fan
CPU V core
Chips et Voltage
+3.30 V
+12.0 V
FSB V oltage
Memor y Voltage
vxx.xx (C)C opyright 198 5-200x, Amer ican Megatre nds, Inc.
S elect Screen
S elect Item
C hange Option
G eneral Help
S ave and Exit
E xit
F1 0
Enab les Hardware
Heal th Monitorin g
Devi ce.
H/W Health Function
If with a monitoring system, the system will show PC health status during POST stage.
Options: Enabled (Default) / Disabled
Shutdow n Temperature Function
T his item allows you to set up the CPU shutdown T emperature. This item is only
effective under Windows 98 ACPI mode.
Options: Disabled (Default) / 60
/ 65
/ 70
/ 75
/ 80
/ 85
/ 90