USB 1.0/2.0 Controller
This entry is to enabled/ disabled EHCI controller only. This Bios itself
may/may not have high speed USB support. If the Bios has high
speed USB support built in,the support will be automately turn on
when high speed device were attached.
The Choices: Enabled (Default)
/ Disabled
USB Operation Mode
Auto decide USB device operation mode.
[High speed]: if USB device was high speed device, then it operated
on high speed mode. If USB device was full/low speed device, then it
operated on full/low speed mode.
[Full/Low Speed]: All OF USB device operated on FUUL/LOW speed
The Choices: High Speed (Default)
/ Full/Low Speed
USB Keyboard/Mouse/Storage Function
This item allows you to enable or disable the USB Keyboard/ Mouse/
USB Storage Legacy Support.
The Choices:
Enabled (Default)
Enable USB Keyboard/Mouse/USB Storage
Disable USB Keyboard / Mouse/ USB Storage
USB Mass Storage Device Boot Setting
[Auto Mode]: According to contents of USB MSD decide boot up type.
[FDD Mode]: The USB MSD always boot up as floppy disk.
[HDD Mode]: The USB MSD always boot up as hard disk.
The Choices: Auto Mode (Default)
/ FDD Mode / HDD Mode