Serial Port3 Address
This item allows you to select the address of Serial Port3.
Options: 3E8 (Default) / 2E8 / 2F0 / 2E0
Serial Port3 IRQ
This item allows you to select IRQ of Serial Port3.
Options: IRQ5 (Default) / IRQ3 / IRQ4 / IRQ7 / IRQ9 / IRQ10 / IRQ11 / IRQ12
Serial Port4 Address
This item allows you to select the address of Serial Port4.
Options: 2E8 (Default) / 3E8 / 2F0 / 2E0
Serial Port4 IRQ
This item allows you to select IRQ of Serial Port4.
Options: IRQ5 (Default) / IRQ3 / IRQ4 / IRQ7 / IRQ9 / IRQ10 / IRQ11 / IRQ12
Serial Port5 Address
This item allows you to select the address of Serial Port5.
Options: 2F0 (Default) / 3E8 / 2E8 / 2E0
Serial Port5 IRQ
This item allows you to select IRQ of Serial Port5.
Options: IRQ5 (Default) / IRQ3 / IRQ4 / IRQ7 / IRQ9 / IRQ10 / IRQ11 / IRQ12
Serial Port6 Address
This item allows you to select the address of Serial Port6.
Options: 2E0 (Default) / 3E8 / 2E8 / 2F0
Serial Port6 IRQ
This item allows you to select IRQ of Serial Port6.
Options: IRQ5 (Default) / IRQ3 / IRQ4 / IRQ7 / IRQ9 / IRQ10 / IRQ11 / IRQ12